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in case that

"in case that"的翻译和解释


  • In case that a user has special requirement on electricity quality power , supply enterprises shall supply corresponding electric power according to its necessity and the possibility of the power network
  • Nevertheless , in case that one party agrees in written that the other party source from or supply the product to the third party then , one party shall not be binded by this article
  • Water transmitting rate of unsaturated soil also increased with the increasing of relative partial molal free energy variation , , and relative partial molal enthalpy variation , , in case that soil water content was constant
    结果表明,在同一温度条件下,提高土壤水势可增加土壤非饱和导水率,呈现黄绵土> ,土。
  • In case that seller fails to deliver the products to buyer in accordance with this contract , except for forec majeure , buyer should agree to seller ' s late delivery on the condition that seller agrees to pay delay penalty
  • During the on - loan period , the loanee shall inform the loaner in case that the equipment can not work normally , the loaner promise to service to door , within 6 hours to repair the equipment in its own cost & expense
  • In case that the property ownership is transferred during the lease , the lessee has the right to continue to use the said premises according to the contract without any disturbance from the lessor or any the third party
  • 3 in case that employee wants to ask for leave for all the reason , he should write ask for day off , enclosed the related certificate and the leave will de available after the examination and approval of the related department manager
    员工因各种原因请假、休假时,必须填写《请假申请》 ,附相关证明,经所在部门经理审批同意后,方可执行。
  • In case that your questions could not be solved after full communication has been made with aosif service support via phone and efforts have been made , you could refer yourself to the field service support
    Fw @ aosif . com . cn 2现场服务支援:当与奥斯福公司服务支持充分电话沟通并努力尝试后,仍然无法解决现存问题,可向奥斯福公司寻求现场服务
  • It indicated that the globally optimal and stable innovation coalition structures were existed in case that preference orders were strict and the discount factors were less than the overall critical discount factor
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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